Industry Growth Centres, what are they good for?

August 26, 2018 by Athena Thompson

First conceptualised in 2014, the Industry Growth Centres were targeting five key industry sectors over a 10-year strategy. Their whole raison d’être was to revitalise innovation in industry, that rather than be researcher-led, was directed by industry to help reduce barriers in the marketplace and create new opportunities. This would was to be actioned by purely creating a neutral centre for businesses to network and connect. When first envisaged, the “innovation precincts” all sounded all a bit too fluffy – since when do competitors work together?

Turns out it wasn’t fluff at all, four years later and there are six centres connecting businesses across six different sectors:

Each with:

  • A 10-year sector competitiveness plan
  • Networks
  • Events, workshops and education
  • Tools, apps & case studies
  • Funding and market opportunities

What was that last point again…funding opportunities??? What, how much and when?

The funding opportunities are for Aussie Businesses, so universities, research organisations are ineligible unless part of a consortium or collaboration. Eligibility changes for each centre, such as whether you are required to be a member etc. You can check your eligibility in the centre’s guideline or ask us to help decipher for you.

Here is the ‘what, how much and when?’ for each Industry Growth Centre:



How much?



Enterprise Solution Centre Programme (ESCP)

Connects business to research expertise – project is max 1 year Matched

Max $100k

Min $25k

METS Ignited

Collaborative Project Funds – Round 3

Industry-led collaborative projects with clear commercialisation applications – this round focus is robotics & automation. Matched

Max per year $3M

Min $100k

Applications close COB 31 Aug 2018

BioMedTech Horizons

Proof-of-concept to commercial development of biomedical & medical technologies Matched desirable

Project dependent:

$3M precision medicine

$2M 3D anatomical printing

$1M general

Yet to be announced.

Connect to network to keep updated.


Advanced Manufacturing Early Stage Research Fund

Industry-led, small scale & pilot research projects Matched


$100k & $400k


Project Fund

Industry-led collaborative projects, results available to whole energy resources sector Matched

Between $100k & $3M


Project Fund

Industry-led – project is max 1 year Matched

Between $200k & $3M

Yet to be announced. Expected July 2018